Friday, 30 October 2009

Men's brain vs Women's brain

Terdapat pelbagai cara untuk menguji keunikan tubuh badan kita, di antara keunikan itu sudah tentulah otak manusia. Di bawah ini ada ujian yang menarik untuk dicuba bersama…

Ini adalah ujian masa yang ringkas, cuma lakukan
dan jangan cuba menipu diri anda sendiri

Kira jumlah huruf F’s dalam perenggan dibawah
dalam masa 15 saat:


Dah selesai?

Scroll kebawah hanya apabila anda telah selesai


berapa banyak?

Tiga? (Anda tentunya seorang lelaki!!!)

Sila baca sekali lagi!


Salah, sebenarnya terdapat 6, kira semula…

Sebab berlakunya perkara tersebut diterangkan
dibawah ini…

Otak LELAKI tidak memproses perkataan “OF”.

Keajaiban kejadian atau silap mata?

Sesiapa yang dapat mengira kesemua 6 F’s pada
permulaan ujian memiliki otak PEREMPUAN.

Credited from Anem's Blog...

Stressnye!! X blh tgk result ag!! seb beik la x cuak sgt! Someone said that JPA x baya our fees??OMG! dunno what else to say~ but I have to wait until 2nd sem to know my result,, Ya Allah ampunilah hambamu ini! Rabbana Atinaa fiddunya Hasanah Wa fil akhirati hasanah, Waqina Azzabannar... Ameen ya rab Al-Alamiin

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Ikatlah Ilmu kerana Ilmu lagi senang hilang daripada Unta yang diikat!

Monday, 26 October 2009

Sem-Break 1

halu halu halu~ izzah in the house~ Da lebih a week aku cuti, xpending those time kt Mersing,Johor.. Dalam tempoh 1 minggu tu macam2 aku aku experience....

1. Open houses
Part ni BEST!! total sme skali aku da gi 4 houses la for hari raya. Best3,, Dish die same je > Nasi impit ngan kuah kacang! my feveret... A
de sate, nasi beryani..dan lain2

2. Cashier,,,
Aku 'berkerja' oo time cuti2 ney,,aku mmg rajen.. hihih,, act, cuti ni mmg aku berniat nk tolong mak su aku jage kedai die,,nk cari pengalaman la katekan,, x panh aku jage kedai cenggitu,,Although aku just jage half day, namun dalam tempoh 1 half day tu haih, mcm2 happen, bdak2 gaduh la, budak2 merokok la,, macam2,, CC la katekan... Ni yg geram ney, aku tgk reali
ti kt stu,, tkut btol, boys seusia 8thun=darjah 2 da smoking! WTH is that?? kalu la darjah 2 da merokok, nnt da tue2 xtaw la lungnye ghope gane.. Ade plak , darjah 5 da berhenti sekolah.. X taw la nak kate ape.. Ade kes gaduh la,, girl boy same je! girl kt atas jejambat, boy kt jalan,, Tah la~~

Time x de org

ade org~

3.Happy Deepavali

Yeah, last week, kan deepavali. So, aunt aku friends with indian, The friends of my aunt invited us to her house during deepavali...Alkisah aku ni x pna tgk cne deepavali tu en, so aku pon follow a,, 3 rumah gak aku gi, x de la ape yg mnareknye..Cume aku ske tgk suasana muhibbah between 3 Main races of our contry, Malay, Chinese n Indian. Aku sgt bersyukur kerana dilahirkan di negara yang aman dan harmoni although ade pelbagai bangsa, bak ape yg diuar-uarkan, 1Nation-1Malaysia...[so patriotic!!]

4. kISah Tupai

Ade sekor tupai yang mati akibat digigit TONY si kucen!!! kesian anak tupai tu,, da la kecik lagi, comel je,, Maybe die tengah practise melompat-lompat then kene tangkap ngan kucen ni, kesiaan, mule2 kami keep it n jage it, namun after 3 days die mninggal kite buat selama-lamanya,, huuu~ Sepandai-pandai Tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah jua....

Sekarang ni aku kt bt Pahat, dok teman nenek aku kt umah ney,, I have to wait lagi 1 minggu utk msuk ke new sem... hurmm what a long holiday~~

To be continue....

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Taubat Maksiat - WaliBand

Dengarlah hai sobat
Saat kau maksiat
Dan kau bayangkan ajal mendekat
Apa kan kau buat
Kau takkan selamat
Pasti dirimu habis dan tamat

Bukan ku sok taat
Sebelum terlambat
Ayo sama-sama kita taubat
Dunia sesaat
Awas kau tersesat
Ingatlah masih ada akhirat


Ingat mati, ingat sakit
Ingatlah saat kau sulit
Ingat ingat hidup cuman satu kali

Berapa dosa kau buat
Berapa kali maksiat
Ingat ingat sobat ingatlah akhirat

Cepat ucap astafighrullahal’adzim

Pandanglah ke sana
Lihat yang di sana
Mereka yang terbaring di tanah
Bukankah mereka
Pernah hidup juga
Kita pun kan menyusul mereka


Repeat Reff

Cepat ucap astafighrullahal’adzim

Repeat Reff

Cepat ucap astafighrullahal’adzim
Cepat ucap astafighrullahal’adzim

lagu yg banyak pengajaran untuk renungan bersama~

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Kene Tindih??

Korang pernah x time nak bangun tido korg rase x blh nak gerak?? U feel like your chest pain and rse tertekan kt chest? Generally, orang akan kate kene tindih dek hantu.. But sebenarnye ape yg dikatakan kene tindih dek 'hantu' tu adelah 1 tanggapan masyarakat biase, menurut scientific research, sebenarnye die bukanlah disebabkan oleh those hantu2,, but ini adalah satu fenonemena medical yg dipanggil sleep paralysis..


[Lumpuh waktu Tidur]

This phenomenon happened usually before nak tidur(hypnagogic paralysis) , and time after bangun dari tidur (hypnopompic paralysis).

Apabila masuk stage tidur yang nyenyak atau REM (rapid eye movement.... .waktu nyenyak ni, bijik mata kiter gerak2) stage.....otak akan bagitau badan kita suruh, badan kite kira macam switch off kejap.....REM atonia (tader muscle tone)......

At the same time, otak kiter pun ader switch off button called reticular activating system RAS,bila otak dah switch off badan, dia pun auto switch off RAS tinggal automatic function (degupan jantung, bernafas etc.) jer yang on.....kirenyer screensaver laaa or hibernate... so,, bila kita bangun, RAS switched on balik......kita sedar fully awake state....tapi kadang2, electrical signal tak diactivate kan oleh otak suh switch on balik badan kiter...... maka masa tu laa badan kita lumpuh seketika... before otak activate balik......mmg menakutkan tapi benar..... tapi paralysis tu tak semestinyer complete atau full..kadang2 partial atau sebahagian jer...tu ade yang boleh gerakkan ibu jari, tp badan lain lumpuh etc....
Satu lagi, sleep paralysis ni selalu juga datang skali dengan hallucinations( halusinasi la) either dalam bentuk auditory (dengar bunyi pelik2), visual (nampak mender bukan2) atau tactile (deria sentuhan, terasa mender sentuh/hempap dll..)

This Hallucination thing is caused by many reasons:
1. Drugs [ecstacy,caffeine,etc]
2.Mental Illnes
3.Prolong or extreme Stress
4.Brain damage or desease.
5.Electrical or neurochemical activity in the brain [yg ni x paam sgt]
6.Meditation and/or sensory deprivation- usually to blind and deaf people.

Sebab2 yang boleh cause sleep paralysis:
1. tidor dalam posisi terlentang terlalu lama
2. jadual tidur yang tak tentu arah (irregular sleep clock)
3. sleep/rest deprivation (tak cukup tidor la ni....penat sgt)
4. stress yang byk kat otak...masalah keluarga, kewangan bla2
5. pertukaran gaya hidup secara tiba2 ( macam biasa dok rumah jer, tetiba esok gi panjat gunung, kayuh beskal....heheh extreme sgt contoh aku ni)
6. orang yang ader penyakit narcolepsy

As a conlusion, if korang x nak kene 'tindih' or sleep paralys, jangan la buat benda2 yg boleh menyebabkan ia happen , as above

Monday, 19 October 2009


Assalamualaikum,,,Heyya guys!
erm, so long x blogging, now still berfikir utk generate a topic! hehehe,, 'ting',, I already got a topic,, nk story pasal hari-hari raya kt Mersing, Although I am not spending too much time, but I went to the MARHABAN for the first exciting

Marhaban aka berzanji ni snanye a tradition kt Johor during hari raya... weekend b4 exam tu aku g join my aunt g marhaban, Marhaban ni ade turn die, from house to house.. and it is involving all all people of the office.. Marhaban nii die ade la bace2..Bace2 mantera?? jumbo mumbo?? bace cm zikir2 n doa.. Aku ade try wat research pasal marhaban neh, tp x jupe,,actually, korg blh tgk kt Astro,,
So, tibe turn kt umah aunt aku pon dengan sifat rajennye [uiyooo~] n cited tolong beliau utk melicinkan perjalanan prog tersebut,,cewwaH~

After settle pasal this marhaban thing, aku n Aina pon blek a Uniten M.S... prepareing utk exam kamilah,, Alkisah, kami kene pack all our stuffs utk disimpan kt dlm stor.. Punye la banyak barang kami,, dengan 1-rice cooker,1- Griller,2-Kettles,3-Irons, banyak Baju, Banyak buku [bajet rajen study].... Max sorg 4 kotak, so umah aku ade 4 org..4x4=16,, max a neh! Memandangakan kami nak 'pindah' for 2 weeks, so, kami pon merajen2kan diri gi ke town di kala examination weeks utk mencari kotak..Alhamdulillah ini lah hasilnye:

Tadaa~~~ banyak an!

Ni je la story for this time,,ade ag story lein, tp nnt aku continue!!

Sunday, 11 October 2009


bismillahitawakkaltu'Ala LLAH

[x sesaba nak abes exam!]

Saturday, 10 October 2009


Examination on this coming monday,
but i still relax and doing nothing!
doing nothing?? ahaha,,no3~ study gak aa!
but not sure whether my preparation is enough for the final..
According to may carry marks,
i still HAVE to work harder to catch A+..


although this is my first sem in the university
but it is a titik tolak for my next results.
Well. it is related to the spirit for the next exams...
*According to wat seniors said*

Monday: Basic Accounting 1
Tuesday : English Foundation
Wedneday : Quantitative Analysis
Thursday: Basic Computing
Friday: Islam and Human Development

Erm, I think thats all for this time..
Actually I am in Mersing, visiting my aunt.
She asked me to help her during
open,, everything had done
yestersay,, InsyaAllah tomorrow
I'll be back to Muadzam Shah Darul Hutan ku syg!


doakan ana ye kngkawan!!

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

10 worst cities for pickpockets



8. Amsterdam,Netherlands.

7.Buenos Aires,Argentina

6.Florence, Italy



3.Prague, Czech Republic
2.Rome, Italy

1. Barcelona, Spain

How to avoid it??
1. Never put valueable stuff especially wallet in your pocket, although in it buttons as it is the easiest target.
2.Beware of distraction tactics eg: Dropping near you.

3. Be on guard when in the crowded and keep all your belongings in secured.

4.Beware of the strangers. Sometime children or elderly that look like the'd be a threat can be a part of larger operation.

5.Avoid standing near the doorway like on the train, because the pickpockets will rush in the crowded at you when the door opens.
6.Before you set off on a trip, pare down the contents of your handbag or wallet – the smaller the bulge, the less likely pickpockets are to covet it.

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Remove 1 question from below and and add in personel question, make it total of 20..

0. Do u think you are smart?

-Yes, I am smart!!

1.if u could spend RM1 in 5 minute,what would u spend on?

- Masuk tabung masjid...Alhamdulillah

2. what is most favourite thing to do?

- TRAVEL di bumi Allah ini..lepakking, surf the internet

3. what kinds of news u read?

- National news, crime as well

4. what r u doing rite now?

-usha2 Iluvislam, pk bile nk stat study akaun

5. is there someone in ur heart rite now?

-ade3~ [secreto de Amor]

6. do u believe u can survive without money?

-Nope! cuz Nowadays is No Money No talk

7. do u know ur BMI??

-yeap! Ideal! hihihih

8. what do u feel doing rite now?


9. if there's someone who u love, do u confess him/her?

- Nope, never never ever forever.. Forever?? kuang3

10. list out 3 good points of the person who tagged u?



tah la..tataw a!

11. what is the thing that make u thing he is kind?

- aku x pasti die ni KIND ke x

12. what is the thing that make u think he is bad?

- seorg yg banyak cekadak

13. are u left-handed or right-handed?

-Right handed!

14. if u had to eat something in rest of ur life, what would it be?

-makanan yg Halal...[general sket..]

15. if u had to choice to be rich or happy, which would u choose?

-Kekayaan! [kaya bey shopping, shopping kite akan happy, lalalala]

16. if u have a chance, which part of ur character u would like to change?

-Loud speaker

17. who is the people u can share ur problem with?

- my Bestfren,,JLA!

18. makan or tdo??

-makan...chocolate,,tido memalam sudaa

19. what is the one thing u love about urself..

- Berani utk mencuba,, but not on cuba2 new food!

I am glad to tag

1. Iffah

2.Najwa kazenku

3.Hanis kazenku


5.Shazni aka ivvan



9. Zack


Hadiah spesel utk Epah!

Dear my sista Iffah!!
happy bday to u..[although da lepas lame da]hg da tua! so buat care org da tue..dok kt umah kene slalu tolong ma n ayah!depa bz, tgk2 kan azam,amad,ina ngan abbas..akak jauh neyh, so blh tlong tnye je dr jauh,,sje je nak dera hg,,hihihihiihih...Belajo rerajen,, nnt buleh bukak company sesame [x de kaitan!]Hopefully, hg panjang umo n murahkan rezeki! ade rezki lebih jgn sesegan nk blanje den!!


Thursday, 1 October 2009

AINI Pata Ariffin
*nga tensen jawab QA*
*gedik2 suruh aku post pasal die*
*dak foundation in finance*
*classmate & lepakmate*

Nabila Elyana Sharif
*Foundation in Accounting*
*Ske buat muke selenge*

Aku syg deme! depa kawan2 aku! hihihihi

p.s: wei aini, nabila aku da post da pasal korg...
