Sunday, 28 June 2009

Strawberry picking

Huh,,stelah sekian lama meninggalkan aktiviti picking mem-picking strawberry,akhirnye aku kembali melakukannye! yay... Waah,,sgt menarek..Tp ladang die x de a besa sgt cm kt Glasgow dlu..Strawberry die mmg best+manis+sedap+juicy+besa2+dll.... The farm name The Balloon Tree Farmshop and cafe is located kt York.

Kt sni ade mcm2 pokok..Seperti:


dan beri2 yg lain...

Hasil petikan...


Sambil2 petik msuk basket,sambel2 msuk kt dlm prot..hahaha..Tgh syok2 petik strawberry,,kumpul2,timbang2 5kg..pergh~~ seb beik harge die x cekik darah sgt.. Yg jdik mangse my mom..Beliau yg kene bayar,,kuang3...Afta picking those berries, ktreorg pon mnjengah la sbentar kt Farm shop to get some sayurs....Sekian~

Petani modern yg berjaye...

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Hebatnye Wanita..

  1. Allah x menjadikan para Anbiya' dr kalangan Wanita namun, Allah memuliakan wanita di dalam Al-Quran dengan menamakan sebuah surah dengan Wanita that is Surah An-Nisa'.

  2. Manusia yang pertama beriman kepada Allah selepas Rasulullah S.A.W is a wanita : Sayidatina Khadijah R.A.

  3. Manusia yg pertama syahid di jalan Allah adalah wanita : Sumayyah R.A

  4. Dan Allah juga mengangkat perbuatan Siti Hajar r.anha yang juga seorang wanita yang berlari-lari antara Safa dan Marwah di dalam rukun haji, iaitu saie.

  5. Wanita adalah yang paling mudah memasuki syurga tetapi wanita jugalah yang paling ramai menjadi penghuni neraka. Sabda nabi yang mafhumnya,
“Wanita yang solat 5 waktu, berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan dan mentaati suaminya, maka masuklah dia ke syurga melalui mana-mana pintu yang disukainya”.

MasyaAllah, betapa bertuahnya diri ini apabila diciptakan sebagai perempuan..Alhammdulillah~

Credit from Iluvislam

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Bye kwn2...
Away t0 summer camp kt PeAk District
for 5 Days...
Dont miss me yeah~~
Doakan daku pulang dan pergi dgn selamat!!


ops..maa da pggil,,,,

Photobucket <- Izzah jangan la pegi...!!!

[Ala jgn la sedih,,Izzah pegi 5 hari je...lalala~]

My Daddy is My Hero~

Father's Day menjelang tiba...So, I want to tell yah about my hero [daddy]...

Name: HJ Fakharuldin Ishak

Age: Going to be 45 years this July..

Job: Lecturer in Civil Engineering in Community College of Kuala Terengganu.But, at the moment he is doing his PhD, in Civil Engineering in University of Leeds.
D.O.B: 7th July 1964

P.O.B: Batu Pahat,Johor..

Fav Food: Telur Goreng+Kicap+Mee Goreng+Roti Naik+Banana

Fav Drink: Coffee

  • Cermat ngan brg2nye like: Glasses,Stationaries,Shoes dll..

  • Slalu ksik kami duet blanje!!!
  • Pandai Jahit..[suar koyak!..lala~]
  • Rilek2 although nak exam..
  • Go0d Driver
  • Sabar ngan ape2 bende

  • Seorg yg "Sediakan payung sebelum hujan"
  • Ske kucen tp cover2..[wak loloq x ske]

  • Ayah kte: Nak beli 1 kandang ruse utk kami!wakakakaka~
  • Student2nya Kate Beliau is a Lecturer yg pleng garang yg mngajar subjek yg pleng susah,,,hurmm~

I want to take this opportunity to say Happy Father's Day and thank you so much to Ayah,cuz taking care of us and all our needs although sometime we have a lot of cekadak yg nonsense~ I cant imagine how my life would be without him..wuuu~[Don't want to lose him...]One day I want to be like you, Success in profession and involve in Da'wah!!..yay~

To all my friend, appreciate your father while they are still alive.And to my friends who don't have their father with them anymore, don't be sad.Let's pray for their Happiness bertemu Rabb, InsyaAllah...

Friday, 19 June 2009

Teka-teki again~


Kembali lgi dlm segment..TEKA TEKI..! yay~~

Soalan nye berbunyi:
"Dalam banyak2 sungai,sungai ape yg kurus?"

Sile2 lah gnekan kebijaksanaan anda sebaik mungkin untuk menjawab soalan ini~
wakakaka~sape taw jawapan die hnta la komen ye!!

Boy hensem vs x hensem

Kalau lelaki handsome pendiam
Perempuan akan cakap:: woow, cool giler...
kalau lelaki tak handsome pendiam
Perempuan akan cakap: eh perasan bagus...

kalau lelaki handsome berbuat jahat
Perempuan akan kata: nobody's perfect
kalau lelaki tak handsome berbuat jahat
perempuan akan cakap: memang.... muka pun macam pecah rumah!

kalau lelaki handsome menolong perempuan yg diganggu
perempuan akan cakap: wah.. machonya.. macam hero filem!
kalau lelaki tak handsome menolong perempuan yang diganggu
Perempuan akan kata: entah2 kawan dia...

kalau lelaki handsome dapat perempuan cantik
perempuan akan kata: sepadan sangat...
kalau lelaki tak handsome dapat perempuan cantik
perempuan akan kata: mesti kena bomoh perempuan tuh!

kalau lelaki handsome ditinggal kekasih
perempuan akan kata: jangan sedih, kan saya ada..
kalau lelaki tak handsome ditinggal kekasih
perempuan akan kata:...(terdiam, tapi telunjuknya
meliuk-liuk dari atas ke bawah, patutlah, tengok saja luarannya)...

kalau lelaki handsome penyayang binatang
perempuan akan cakap: perasaannya halus...penuh kasih sayang
kalau lelaki tak handsome penyayang binatang
perempuan akan cakap: sesama keluarga memang harus menyayangi...

kalau lelaki handsome bawa Merc
perempuan akan cakap: matching... hebat luar dalam
kalau lelaki tak handsome bawa Merc
perempuan akan cakap: bang, bosnya mana?...

kalau lelaki handsome tak mau bergambar
perempuan akan cakap: pasti takut kalau2 gambarnya tersebar
kalau lelaki tak handsome tak mau bergambar
perempuan akan kata: tak sanggup melihat hasilnya ya?...

kalau lelaki handsome menuang air ke gelas perempuan
perempuan akan cakap:ini barulah lelaki gentlemen
kalau lelaki tak handsome menuang air ke gelas perempuan
perempuan akan cakap: naluri pembantu, memang begitu....

kalau lelaki handsome bersedih hati
perempuan akan cakap: let me be your shoulder to cry on
kalau lelaki tak handsome bersedih hati
perempuan akan kata: kuat nangis!! lelaki ke bukan ni?

These adelah lawan kpd "Girl cun vs x cun"...Dont take it seriously,,,Ape yg nak ditunjukkan is dat, sbnanye same je x kire la laki ke girl ke...Ambilah iktibar from ape yg wajar la..yg x ptt tu x yah la ikut!

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Hadis Ghulam

Assalamualaikum fren,
ni smbungan utk SH1 yg aritu kak aisyah ksik kt Newcastle.. Tapi kali ni ana [tuka plak la..sesuai ngan tazkirah] nak smbung sal Hadis Ghulam..Nape nme die "Hadis Ghulam"?? Sebab hadis tu cite sal Ghulam! nak wat cne an!
Ok lah, ana x nak la tulis sal hadis tu sbb pnjg berjela..So, sape nak blh aa mntak kt ana!
Ni ape yg ana dpt aa berdasarkan hadis tersebut:
Dalam memperjuangkan sesuatu ada 4 ciri pemuda untuk memperjuangkan mende tuh:
  • Bersedia untuk berkorban
  • Keyakinan yang kuat
  • Keikhlasan
  • Semangat

-From Artikel Wahai Pemuda Imam Hassan Al-Banna-

Seperti ape yg diperkatekan di atas keyakinan is one of the important character yg pemuda tu kne ade an..So these are a few things yg akan meningkatkan keyakinan :

  • Ilmu yakin-Ibn Timiyyah: melalui deria,perbandingan,pendengaran
  • Ilmu Ainul Yakin- Through pengelihatan dan ape yg disaksikan
  • Hakikul Yakin - Amal/excperience/pembelajaran..


Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Bye2 Mak long n Mak ngah~

Alhamdulillah,, tetamu dtg dan pergi dr rumahku.. Pas Makngah, Maklong pon turut drop bye kt teratak buruk kami!Sronok la bile ade tetamu expecially kuarge dtg jauh2 dr Malaysia semata-mata nak visit my family. Mak long dah blek last week da..Mak ngah and Pak ngah bru je blik td..So, aku yg ske nyibuk ni pon ikut join in with ayah and mak gi bus station hntar mak ngan neik bas utk ke London..Sebab Mak ngah akan take Air Asia to Malaysia this Saturday.. Dengan ke-balik-an Mak ngah maka tugas aku sbg tourist guide yg x bertauliah da pon selesai! lalala~

Smalam kteorg ade wat party, bukan party liar ke pe lah, but like go0dbye party.. Best gak! These are some pictures to share with yah!

Pizza+AyamBakat+Salad=Menu kami!!

Like Sister like Brother

Wif Mak Long~

Tu je some of the pictures..~
And we kt perantauan sntiasa menantikan kedatangan kuarge2 trchentaa kt Msia~
Datang la lagi ye mak long and mak ngah!!!

Monday, 15 June 2009

Girl lawa vs x lawa~

Kalau Perempuan lawa pendiam

Laki akan cakap:wo0ow,ciri-ciri isteri idaman

Kalau perempuan tak lawa pendiam

Laki akan ckp :eh, x reti berkomunikasi btul...

Kalau perempuan lawa buat jahat

Laki akan cakap: mesti ada krisi dalaman ni..kesiaan..

Kalau perempuan tak lawa buat jahat

Laki akan cakap: dah la tak lawa, perangai pulak huduh..

Kalau perempuan lawa menolong lelaki dari diganggu

Lelaki akan cakap: heroin sejati!!

Kalau perempuan x lawa menolong lelaki

Laki akan cakap: taktik ngorat la tu

Kalau perempuan lawa penyayang

Laki akan cakap: perasaannya halus..

Kalau perempuan x lawa penyayang binatang

Laki akan cakap: sesama keluarga memang harus saling menyayangi..

Kalau perempuan lawa tak mahu bergambar

Laki akan cakap: pasti takut kalau2 gambarnya tersebar

Kalau perempuan tak lawa tak mahu bergambar

Laki akan cakap: sedar pun diri

Kalau perempuan lawa bawak BMW

Laki akan cakap: ntah dato' mane la bela ni

Kalau perempuan tak lawa bawa BMW

Laki akan cakap: mesti anak orang kaya nih... sekadar hiburan..Tapi ade org kate itulah realitinye..Tapi aku rse ntah la..Sume org memandang kecantikan fizikal compare tu kecantikan hati nurani yg kekal.. Ingatlah bahawa Allah x memandang seseorg melalui rupa paras, tp melalui ketakwaan dan keimanan kepadaNYA...

"Dunia ini dipenuhi dengan perhiasan dan sebaik-baik perhiasan ialah wanita solehah" - Riwayat Muslim

Sunday, 14 June 2009


Alhamdulillah siang tdi aku gi Newcastle to join in majlis ilmu ngan kakak2 kt sni... These are some input that i got from the event:

Shahadatul Haq-By Kak Aisyah Z

Shahadah Al-Haq :
  • Pengakuan sebenar bahawa tiada tuhan yang layak disembah selain dari Allah dan Muhammad adalah pesuruh Allah..

  • Seruan byy Abu al-A'la al-Maududi

  • Ditujukan kpd seluruh manusia..
Why dlm seminggu ade 7 hari??? Nape x 8,9 or 10??
Because Manusia just dpt retain iman selama 7 hari...

Hati manusia akan keras if:

  • X baca Al-Quran for 3 days

  • x dgr ceramah or perisian rohani for 40 days

"Hati manusia ibarat air yang menggelegak...Akan membuak-buak"

Islam is divided into 2:

  1. Ijbari : Tetap

  2. Ikhtiari: Boleh pilih..
  • Well, also kite ni seakan-akan buleh pilih jalan mane2 but actually, ia bukanlah satu bentuk peilihan.Sebab kalu kite tersalah pilih or dlm erti kate lain pilih kerarah kesesatan kite akan msuk neraka..Nak masuk neraka ke??..x nak kan.. So, kne la pilih jalan yg baik! So remember its not really a CHOICE!!

  • One more thing, Allah ciptakan sume yg ada kt bumi ni for us as a human and khalifah. Maka Bodohlah kite jika x gnekaan sume tu kearah kebaikan!

"Roh-roh ibarat tentera yang hendak pergi perang" -Al-Maududi

Kenapa kadar murtad lg tinggi dr kadar yg msuk Islam???

  • Muslim x menajalankan tugas mereka untuk menerangkan keindahan Islam. Ape yg biase diceritakan is like : Sunat[khatan], x leh makan tu la ni la... Which give the muallaf figure yg horrile [peraturan yg ketat] bg penganutnya before the muallaf know basic and the beautifulness of Islam.
  • Masuk Islam = Masuk Melayu.....

  • Muslim not too welcome Muallafs dengan looking down to them.

"Islam adalah watan, x ada sempadan geografi"

So, to solve these kind of probs is by changing the mind set..How?? - Menyedarkan orang2 yang paham Islam bahawa Islam ni bukanlah untuk Melayu or Arab sahaja.

Cara berdakwah:

  • Melalui Akhlak [Action speaks louder than words]

  • Contribute dalam pembentukan negara Islam.

Remember: Nak berdakwah kene berjemaah baru berjaya!!!

"Kebatilan yang tersusun dan bersatu dapat mengalahkan kebenaran yang berselerak"

Urm, I think ni je yg aku dpt..Actually ade sesi ke-2, sesi kak zaza tp nnt aku smbung ag.. Sorry if the isi x de sequence,tp mmg x de sequence pon... X pe lah..amek ape2 yg anda rse ptt diambil!

Renung2kan and selamat beramal~

Friday, 12 June 2009

I got a speaking exam today..scripts already done! I just have to prepare myself to face the examiner..
All the best to me!!
Go go Izzah~
awy to Park Lane College~~~

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Sape bela ikan??

Ada 5 buah rumah yang masing-masing memiliki warna berbeda.
Setiap rumah dihuni satu orang pria dg kebangsaaan berbeda-beda.
Setiap penghuni rumah menyukai jenis minuman tertentu,
merokok satu mereka rokok tertentu
dan memelihara satu jenis hewan tertentu.
Tak satupun dari kelima orang itu yang minum minuman yang sama,
merokok satu merk rokok yang sama,
dan memelihara hewan yang sama seperti penghuni yang lain.

Petunjuk :
Orang Inggris tinggal di dalam rumah berwarna merah
Orang Swedia memelihara anjing
Orang Denmark senang minum teh
Rumah warna hijau tepat disebelah kiri rumah warna putih.
Penghuni rumah berwarna hijau senang minum kopi
Orang yang merokok PallMall memelihara burung
Orang Jerman merokok Rothmans.
Penghuni rumah yang terletak di tengah-tengah senang minum susu.
Penghuni rumah berwarna kuning merokok Dunhill
Orang Norwegia tinggal di rumah paling pertama
Orang yg merokok Marlboro tinggal di sebelah orang yg memelihara
Orang yg memelihara kuda tinggal di sebelah orang yg merokok Dunhill

Orang yang merokok Winfield senang minum bir
Di sebelah rumah berwarna biru tinggal orang Norwegia
Orang yang merokok Marlboro bertetangga dengan orang yang minum air.

Pertanyaan : Siapakah Yang memelihara IKAN ?

Albert Einstein menyusun teka-teki ini.
konon, 98% penduduk dunia tidak mampu
memecahkan teka-teki ini.
Apakah anda termasuk yang 2%?
p/s: soklan ni berbahase indon..gue jugek nggak paham sgt dong! sape leyh jwb gtaw aa aku! hahahah,,mri kte revealkan misteri kt soklan ni! yay!

Second script!

Hyep, this is the second script for my exam tomorrow...
Today I'm going to tell you on how to apply a UK visa in Malaysia. First of all is that you go to the UK embassy in Jalan Ampang,Kuala Lumpur. Make sure you arrived at the embassy earlier because there will be a long Queue. Remeber to bring along your passport, national ID card, financial statements, offer letter from university, RM700 and other things that you think relevant and helpful to apply the visa.
After that fill in the form given by the staff there. I would like to recommend you to fill in the form earlier before come to apply it because it will smoothen the process.Then take a number and wait for your turn.If you still did not fill in the form, you can take the oppurtunity while waiting your turn to fill the form.
When your turn arrives, go to the counter which you were asked to go to. Following that, submit the form and all the documents that they asked for. After you have done this, you will be given a second number for photograph session. Wait for your number to be called. When the number is called, go to the room you asked. The photograph will be taken by the staff incharged. Dont forget to wear something darker like dark blue or black. Of you are wearing scarves, please wear black scarves. Do not wear something bright because it will spoils you photo.
The process will takes for about a week.Adate will be given to you to pick your passport back.When the date arrive, come to the embassy again at the exact time.Usually, the time is between 3 pm-4pm. Make sure you arrive earlier or you have to pass the hustle and bustle of people there. Lastly you are ready to go!!
Well, my script is not too perfect.Hopefully anyone please drop some comment to me to improve this script, as soon as possible. Any comment I will terime dengan hati terbuka.InsyaAllah~

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

This Friday I'll be facing a speaking exam, urn,,Level 1 ESOL speaking exam... I have late to take the exam because I already past it last time,because I went back to Malaysia for the SPM result.Well, I have to prepare for past event and for the instruction.. So, now I want to type the script for the exam...
My past event is about the first time I came to the UK.. The first time I came to UK was about 10 years ago,when I was 7. I went to the UK with my father, mother, a little sister and a little brother. I went to UK because my father wanted to continue his study in master level on Civil engineering in Strachlyde University. We came here by plane obviously and we took 2 planes from Kuala Lumpur to London and London to Glasgow. We flew from Kuala Lumpur to Loondon by Malaysia Airlines and from London to Glasgow we flew by British Airlines. It tooks for about 15 hours journey to get to Glasgow.
I was very excited to go to the UK because I never been in here before. In my mind, I imagined all sort of things like how the place look like, how the people,how the languages,foods and so on. As I arrived at the airport, I found that all of the imaginations was totally different than the reality. Yeah, I think the reality was much much better than my imaginations. The people was nice, friendly and helpful. The always smile at foreigners like me. Yea, I think I like UK.. At that time I found that UK is totally different compare to Malaysia in many ways like the people, I mean the race, the language, weather,culture, and the way of life.
As I arrived at the Glasgow Airport, my father's friend fetch us and brought us to our home. We lived in a flat house at Royston Road. At that time, I can't do anything because it was very, very cold. Actually at that time it was winter. So, we just stay in the bedroom and do nothing. After a few hours we warmed ourselves and can do aour daily activities.
After one and half year, my family and I moved back to Malaysia. During our way home, I wished to be back in the UK, and now, I am here back after 10 years.. I am glad because I'm here now...
Dear kawan2..
komen a sket script ni...kot2 ade kecacatan grammar/isi/vocab...

Monday, 8 June 2009


Hyep, me back!
I like to eat! Everyone like to eat..?
Am I right?..of course la kan3??
But do we know that our eating styles are right or not??
Well,, Let me give yah some ideas about go0d diet from
our beloved Prophet, Rasulullah S.A.W...
1.Dont eat MILK and MEAT
2. Dont eat MEAT and FISH [act, it meant that don't eat land and sea food at a same time]
3.Dont eat FISH and MILK
4.Dont eat CHICKEN and MILK
5.Dont eat FISH and EGG
6.Dont eat FISH and LETTUCE
7.Dont eat MILK and VINEGAR
8.Dont eat MILK and FRUITS eg:coktail
Actually, the diet above mean that you cannot eat them at the same time.
Because some of them like fish and chicken, they got different charges [positive and negative charges] which when meet together it can cause chemical reaction [waw~chemistry].
As a result, you can get stomachache or fo0d poisoning.... InsyaAllah if you all follow this diet, you'll not get stomachache..So, you all can study happily.. Tapi kalu ade gak saket perot tu, x sure a plak..ade a tu salah kt mne2..trmakan racun ke pe ke~~
Enjoy this song..[play jgn x play]

This post is credit from suke suke je.. hehehe.. tq beb!

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Bye kwn2,,,
away t0 Birmingham~
Dont miss me yeah~~
away just for a night...


Friday, 5 June 2009

Wahai Perokok sekalian alam..!!

Renung2kan and selamat beramal!!

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Me been tagged again!

1. How old are you?
17 thun 7 bulan
2. Are you single?
3. At what age do you think you’ll get married?
24-26 [tgk jodoh ah!]
4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now?
what kind of question is this??hahaha
5. If not, who do you want to marry?
dunnow..just wait n see..
6. Who will be your bridesmaid or your bestman?
hmm.. the lucky person of course!
7. Do you want a garden/ beach or traditional wedding?
Princess ala2 fairy tale..hehehe..i want to be Cinderella..[Islamic version with hijab!]
8. Where do you plan to go for honeymoon?
3.Madagascar maybe
9. How many guest do you think you’ll invite?
Dunnow yet..Include all friends and members
10. Will that include your exes?
11. How many layers of cake do you want?
depends on my age..If I get married on 24 years old so, the cake must with 24 layers..haha
12. When do you want to get married?
The night of the kenduri kawen.. [married mean nikah kan??]
13. Name the song/tune you would like to play at your wedding?
14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon/fork/ knife?
Up to diri sndirilah,,x de paksaan ye!
15. Champagne of red wine?
Champagne? tidak3.....!!!!
16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?.
masih tidak mengetahuinya
17. Money or household items?
Soklan ni too general! dok pehe~
18. How many kids would you like to have?
3 ckop!
19. Will your record your honeymoon in DVD and CD?
20. I want to know their wedding plan:
-Siti Syafikah Abdul Rahman
-Syed Ahmad Hafiz...
-Asilah Ghaffar
-Shazni Ab Latif
-Nabilah Hanis

Jalan2 kota L.O.N.D.O.N

Alhamdulillah, I arrived from London to the Palace of Cranbrook [my house lah!] at 2.30 am..Phew, that was awesome and exhausted.Yea, took Mak Long for a sight seeing at the London city made me felt soooo tired... Photobucket
Well,,that not the one which i want to talk about. Let me start yea.. As you know London is a very busy city.And it is hard nearly impossible to get a parking for car..So, my dad decided to park our car,, urr I mean his car at his friend's house. Actually, we went to London to fetch my Aunt who just arrived from Canterbury, well from Malaysia actually.
He thaught that might be he will be sooooo late to fetch Mak Long. So, he asked me to fetch her at The King Cross st. Actually, I'm not familiar with London. But, it's not a big problem for me. I think I can do it by myself.. I know I can do it!!!!!If i dont know anything I can go ahead and ask people around..Photobucket But what the most I afraid of is that I had to read a complicated underground tube map..hah~~ Before this, my mom the one who read this kind of map. But yesterday I had to read it by myself...huu~~

the complicated map!

When I looked at the map, I tought that it's not actually very tough..It just my felling and my mind that told me that it is hard. Not really easy but not really hard.Just so-so.. Hah, then I bought a one day ticket for about £5.60, then off away to King Cross st. As I arrived at King Cross st. I searched Mak Long. I dont have her phone number but I was trying to get her there. However, after thaat, my dad called me and said "opss,,salah plak..Bukan King cross laa,,Victoria..heheheheh" Photobucket[ayat do-touch-up ikut kesesuaian..hehehe].."Opss,,sorry, its not King Cross, it's Victoria!"..So, as fast as lightning, cewwah, I rushed away to the hustle and bustle of people to Platform 1, Victoria Line to>> Victoria St..
Maybe yesterday was a weekday, so everyone went in and out to office or to anywhere, which make the train full like sardine...It took about 15 minutes to get to Victoria.Not very far actually from Baker street, but i passed it as i went to the King Cross.. As I arrived at the Victoria, I searched for Mak Long, then i saw a women with a green hijab yeah, I'm sure she is Mak Long..And she is Mak Long..huh~ Then, I brought her to Baker street where we settled down...Phew~Mission accomplished!!Photobucket

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Congratulation to Mr & Mrs Ajak [Abg ajak & kak hajar] for the presence of their lovely first son Aiman Wafi, on 31st of May 2009. Hopefully, with their live will more cheerful with their new family member, Aiman wafi.

Jalan2 rumah baby:

Kasih bapa membawa kebahagiaan..cewwah>

makan bahulu ngan air teh tarek kt rumah baby!

Syurga di bwh tapak kaki ibu...

Monday, 1 June 2009

Saye pandai masak!!

1. Please upload pictures of your favourite foods

Donat yg Mak buat+Big Apple,,yay!

Secret recipe Chocolate Indulgence... [sape mao blanje aku?? put you hand up!]

Nasi goreng pattaya>>


<> eskrem,,sdap3...


2. Why do you like to eat it so much?
bcoz sedap of course~
bak kate pepatahku>makan slagi mampu...
Tapi lgi sedap klu ade org blanje..hehehehhe

3. Who tagged you with this tag? Describe briefly about him/her.
Zack..x abeh2 meng-tag aku..Die kte die panndai masak..[btol ke??]..

4. Can you cook? (YES or NO)
Mestila can,,hehehe~
nape x cye ke??

5. If you answered YES to question 4, give a name of one of your friends whom you wanted to cook for, state what do you want to cook for him/her and why do you want to cook for him/her. If you answered NO to question 4, give a name of one of your friends whom you wanted to treat to a lunch or a dinner, state what food do you want to treat him/her and why do you want to treat him/her.
I think all my friend...huhuhu,jimat duet ambe klu sume member masak utkku..

6. Tag another 8 bloggers and state the reason why do you want to tag them:
Ajlaa- sbb die slalu invite aku gi umah die tp x pna agi pgi..die pon pandai masak~
Siti-my pren, mstila kne rse masakan die..
Shazni- Nak kuah durian!!!
Nor Azhar-haha..sje2..
Amir shakib-sje2,,hehehe
Nabilah- ko kn syg aku~~hahahahah
Jack- Nk taw die pandai masak ke x..
Kak Ain- sbb kak Ain da nak blek Msia...masak la utk kite..huahuahua
