Thursday, 30 April 2009

Tahun Melawat Malaysia..

Im proud to be Malaysian!! tu la kalimah yg tetibe muncul kt ati aku... Sbenarnye mcm2 yg aku da jupe kt England ni yg sgt membanggekan as rakyat msia spt kete Protn waja and kelisa [waah x sngke la kete proton da smpai UK !!]

Al kisah bermule smalam, aku ngan mak aku nk gi mngerah adek2 aku soh solat..Depa plak jeneh mlepak kt bilik tb..Susah btol nak soh adek2 solat,,eish,,xpe2 sab0ajelah..but then deme ni tgh tgk tb2..alih2 kebetulan dgn izinNYA, aku and my ma tertgk la kt tb... "asal aku cm biase je tgk iklan neh??" Hati aku kte.. Mak aku pon kte la " Eh ni Malaysia kan..kan..kan.."

"Aah laa...iklan Msia..iklan Msia..!" kte aku xcited..[overacting]... Maka btollah iklan tu iklan yg mempromosikan Tourism Malaysia..ala,,kempen zoom Malaysia tuh... aku da pna tgk da iklan tu kt msia... padan la pon..

Maka terbantutlah seketika misi kami [aku and ma] utk soh adek2 solat..sejurus stelah iklan tu tamat [cewwah,,so BMish] aku pon smbung la mngerah adek2 aku solat..

Tp secara jujurnya aku mmg proud to be Malaysian..Maybe anda2 sume cm fikir "ekelleh ape la sgt ngan Malaysia neh!!" tp kn klu korang da lived abroad korg akan blaja erti bersyukur tggl kt Msia..sbb Lebih banyak lgi negara2 lein yg x seuntung negara kite yg mempunyai bnyk etnik budaya dan tradisi yg boleh diwarisi turun temurun...

Aku, Komuter n Makcik???

Once apon a time,,cewwah, sehari after kuar result SPM08 [gempak2!!] aku nak kuar ar ngan member2 aku, nk pi tgk Edufair09 kt PWTC,kL... Then al kisah cm biase la..komuter ramai .. Most of the people x pecially dak2 bru abes spm cm aku ni nk gi pameran tu ar. Aku tunggu punye tunggu komuter x datang2..Act, aku tunggu kt stesen Klang. Esh, komuter kt Klang ni mmg bnyk bnor masalahnye,,Sbenarnye, bukan ni yang aku nak cite! heehehehe...

After gi kt pwtc tu kteorg berajat nak pgi mid..Pot biase lah.Then neik la komuter..Aku dpt seat nak dudok.. Aku x de la pelik tp knape eh Rakyat msia x follow the rules [sumtime kne skima] yg kte ptutnye ksik kt gol2. yg lebeh memerlukan utk duduk [spt:warga2 tue, pregnant women ngan org2 cacat!] sbb deme lebih memerlukan seat dr kte muda mudi kotaraya.. Then aku npak la sorg macik ni..Kt England aku da biase da ksik duduk kt org2 yg tue cm macik tu,,Then aku pon ksi laa.. Then buleh plak makcik tu pelik..!

Mak Cik tu kte "kenape ni?..pelik knape neh??..knape neh?..bla bla bla"..aku kte la "mak cik dudukla" mak cik tu repeat blek yg die kte tdi,,"adoyai makcik! org ksik chan duduk x mao plak!"..ckp2 ati aku la.. And ade ke patot member2 aku ktawekan aku! depa ni x supportive langsung ar...kte member..Aku pasrah,, Dgn penuh kekecewaan, Aku pon x dok la..bia je seat tu x de spe2 duduk..Tp last2 makcik tu duduk jgak,,siap tido gi! eish,,gram plak x pe lah..

Anyway, mnde ni aku bknnye pe, just nak gtaw betapa kte org wat beik kt die pon lgi mao pelik.. Aku nak adapt the go0d morals from England kt Msia..Tp aku rse cm x brape nak sesuai sbb mereka cm x leh trime pe yg aku wat, maybe this is the first time ever org ksik duduk kt macik tu kot..!

Aku nak mnyeru la wahai rakyat Malaysia!!... Please la jgn pelik klu org nak practise go0d deeds! To0dles..~

Ice cream....yummy!

Last Sunday, before going back home, my family and I dropped by an ice cream stall. Everyone said that ice cream there is the World Famous Ice cream. So, we decided to buy some for ourselves.

The stall is located in one of the most unique, beutiful and attractive village in England. Yeah, i agreed with that. The Ripley village is wonderful, and relaxing. The place is suitable who want to get off from the busy city of Leeds.

Although Ripley Village is just a town, but it has its own historical attraction. Like the Castle. There are a castle owned bye Ingelby family which lives there for almost 700 years. And when i was there, there still some of the family members living there.

I had tasted the ice cream. The Ice cream has very smoothe texture.I wonder what are the secret recipe they used! The point is that i really enjoy eating ice cream that day. Furthermore, that Sunday is a verry sunny day. So, Ice cream is a good idea to cool down your day.. I am sure , InsyaAllah that all of you will like it...

Nanti kalu korg datg UK aku bwk la kome gi jnjalan kt Ripley Ice Cream ni!....
